AppSumo launch with MarbleFlows

In this AppSumo review, we'll take a close look at AppSumo and see how it can benefit your business and share about our AppSumo launch! 

#1 What is AppSumo?

AppSumo is a website that offers lifetime deals on software products and services.  It is a type of marketplace for lifetimdeals offered in limited time.

They sometimes offer the yearly deals but there sweet spot is lifetime!  They offer a variety of deals for diffferent software products, including some that are only available for a limited time.

If you are looking for AppSumo reviews you will not find them at G2 or Capterra. The reviews only available on Trust Pilot. There are more than 450 AppSumo reviews and the rating is 4.4. But look at it yourself.

AppSumo by MarbleFlows

#2 AppSumo is legit: Shopify, Intercom, Malichimp

For our team one the best motivatiors for AppSumo launch were AppSumo reviews from other legit companies.

First I wanted to know who launched on AppSumo before and how these companies doing.
Who launched on AppSumo?

AppSumo stated and some proofs can be found about some companies who launched on AppSumo.



Here is AppSumo review and discussion on the Evernote community page.


You can find archived Mailchimp page on AppSumo website


You can find archived Intercom page on AppSumo website but no AppSumo revews

#3 Two types of AppSumo Launch

Whe we talk about AppSumo launch we mean always the big prepared with AppSumo team launch. But there is also a possibility to just list your company on Appsumo markeetplace but the diffference between them is HUGE...

Post your product on Marketplace

One way you can just submit the your software, fill all the needed information and publish it there.

It will become part of the Marketplace and not going to be separately promoted by AppSumo team.

In that case AppSumo charge you much less for it, around 30% of the sales.

All the promotion is on you, and it is rare case you can sell more than 100 licences.

Scheduled campaign launch

The other launch is the one which you do with the AppSumo team. AppSumo team helps you to prepare to this one.

They help you to create:

✅ Video

✅ Description

✅ Visuals

The team is very organised and they really support you a lot and doins all in time as it is planned.

The communication happens in Slack, you also have a project management system which is used.

In this case, AppSumo take to themselves from 50% to 75%, which sounds huge and it is...

But the attention which you get is also not comparable. You can sell from 1000 to 10000 licenses.

#4 Why to launch or not on AppSumo: checklist  

When we decided on our launch on Appsumo we considered this checklist. And this all impacted on our decision.

AppSumo launch with MarbleFlows

✅Need for feedback

✅Need for financial boost

✅ Need to test your tech stack

✅ Need to gather more AppSumo reviews

✅ Need to test our support team

✅ Is AppSumo crowd your target audience

✅ Need to understand where we stan with our product

#5 Our Launch on AppSumo

Overall we communicated with over 10 people from AppSumo team during and after the launch and prepared witing.


We actively prepared for appsumo launch and it took us apprximately 2-3 months.

We created preparation checklist and here is only 1/10 of it. So we did our best to prepare in a better way and mainly we focused on first time user experience.

AppSumo launch with MarbleFlows

Launch time

Before the launch day we got the message with our contact person, checking that everythng goes perfect and we are ready to launch.

Our plan was to launch for a couple of months. So first was pre launch when our company was shared. It was required to gather the first 11 reviews within a week.

I think this is an important filtering for the campaign.

You can launch both on longer period and shorter period. Currently the shortest period seems to be 1 month.

AppSumo launch with MarbleFlows

Main Results of AppSumo launch

  • 1000+ users
  • - Reviews on AppSumo
    - Reviews on G2 and Capterra
    - Roadmap and feature development understanding.

#6 Will your launch on AppSumo be sucessful?

Actually it is not necessary a case that your launch will be a success. We evaluate our launch as a good but not the huge success. It can be identified by the amoun of reviews for example.

Even if you product is great it does not necessary gurantee the successs.

You need to have in mind specific of people who buy on AppSumo and buy lifetime deal. Specific of gamying effect and effect of " Look which amazing deal i got there".

Some of the products which now have a great audience did not succesffuly launched on AppSumo and did not get a lot of appsumo reviews.

In addition, expectations of the users can be too high! Make sure your product is ready for prime time.

#7 Onboard your users to launch sucessfuly!

AppSumo brings a lot of excited users to your product and a lot od Appsumo reviews. So we did our best to serve them the best way from the first step. We did that from the moment of of creating the account.

Very often AppSumo users first created an account on our website page. This was available for free. After they went back to AppSumo review page and bought the license.

Conversion from Website to Product
- Simple sign up process

In product onboarding
- Easy to follow in product onboarding flow

Here is an example of welcoming in Product onboarding. You can create for your users.

Email onboarding
- 3 emails welcoming users  to the Product
- Emails with ask to leave AppSumo Review for us

#8 Strategies for siccessful AppSumo launch

AppSumo launch with MarbleFlows

Hit it with the pricing!

Create a compelling offer. Your offer needs to be attractive enough to entice AppSumo users to buy your product. Keep in mind that AppSumo users are looking for deals, so make sure your offer is competitive.

Get ready to change quickly!

Our offering did not click from the beggining for the AppSumo users! So we were forced to adjust our plans best on the expecations of Sumolings and AppSumo reviews and questions.

It was clear within the first week and we need to make a quick decision,

Of course you are not necessary need to do it, but if there are too many complains staright from the beginning it will decrease the possibility of the successful launch.

Create fantastic onboarding for yout users.

This is crucial, if sign up on your main page of website work smooth.

Work closely with AppSumo team on Sales page

Write a great sales page. Your sales page is critical in converting AppSumo users into customers. Make sure your page is well-written and convincing.

Select your best way to launch

Focus on AppSumo reviews

Respond as quickly as possible on PdP and work hard to get as many reviews as possible to show initial traction.

Support and communicate!

Continuesly support the users to get the best feedback from them and more AppSumo reviews.


So overall we get a good understanding of the product and how it works

✅ Improve website score and SEO

✅ Learning about competitors and market

✅ Evaluation the value of the product


This is our AppSumo review! Stay tuned for more updates and create interactive flows with MarbleFlows.