Customer success managers know how to manage existing clients of the company. They are constantly monitoring and taking care of users’ experience, feedback, and complaints. Meanwhile, looking for opportunities to upsell to users and retain via interactive emails.

But staying in touch doesn’t have to mean constantly emailing them individually. You can save yourself time (and your customers’ inboxes) by using interactive emails.

In this article, we’ll share different types of interactive emails and interactive email templates that customer success managers can use to stay in touch with their customers.

Email still remains the main communication channel for users. CSM should use this tool wisely and extensively to reach out to their users at the right time and with appealing material to get the most out of the campaign.

💡 In spite of what some may think, email is not being killed off. /, that interactive email has unique properties that no other new technology possesses.

In 2022, emails are still used by CSMs to:

  • Upsell users
  • Gather feedback
  • Increase retention
  • Book client interviews
  • As a part of onboarding process

Half of the success of email campaign is the mailing list. Experienced CSM keep mailing lists updated and do not forget to reach out to “ghosting” users from time to time. More about mailing list you can find in Mailmodo blog.

Another half is content. CSM should not forget about user engagement as a part of their strategy. Interactive email can be a great add-on to any customer success mailing campaign. Here are some examples:

#1 Upsell with fortune game in interactive email

Think about how you can use email to upsell your customers. One way to do this is to create an interactive email template that includes a fortune game.

Include a short message in the interactive email that explains how the game works. Then, include a link to the game itself.

Make sure that the game is easy to play and that it doesn't take too long to complete. You don't want your customers to get bored!

Once the customer has played the game, include a call-to-action in the email that encourages them to buy your product or service.

Make sure to test your email template before you send it out to customers. This will ensure that everything works as it should and that there are no glitches.

How to upsell users in a seamless way? Give them a fortune game to play when sending interactive email. After choosing among feature options users submits their name right to the CSM and upselling flow takes full speed.

Include a short message in the email that explains how the game works. Then, include a link to the game itself.

Make sure that the game is easy to play and that it doesn't take too long to complete. You don't want your customers to get bored!

Once the customer has played the game, include a call-to-action in the email that encourages them to buy your product or service.

Make sure to test your email template before you send it out to customers. This will ensure that everything works as it should and that there are no glitches.

Benefits of the template:

  • Gamified element that drives engagement
  • Variety of upselling options to offer
  • Nativity - users don’t feel like it’s upselling

Fortune wheel is the most common type of onboarding gamification. Another kinds like, limited time surveys,  labyrinths, random rewards and leaderboards boost upselling as well. The sky is the limit for CSM’s creativity.

💡 Note: interactive email template should be both web and mobile responsive

#2 Retain with feedback surveys

Customer feedback surveys are a great way to retain customers and keep them happy. They help you to identify areas where you can improve your service, and they also give customers a chance to voice their opinion.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating customer feedback surveys. First, make sure that the questions are clear and concise. Second, make sure that the survey is easy to understand and fill out. Third, make sure that you give customers enough time to fill out the survey.

Customer feedback surveys can be sent out via email or through your website. If you send them out via email, be sure to use an interactive email template so that customers can easily fill out the survey. If you send them out through your website, be sure to include a link to the survey in your email signature.

If you want to get the most responses possible, offer incentives for filling out the survey. For example, you could offer a discount on future purchases or a free product if they complete the survey.

Get feedback after events, product updates, and just to check on user experience from time to time. It’s easy with already pre-built customisable surveys. Benefits of this template:

  • Gathering quick feedback
  • Structured results in one place
  • Customisable and can be branded
  • Suitable for fast feedback without deep-digging questions
💡 Pro tip: Customize feedback surveys for different user groups to get more responses and clear picture.

#3 Feedback form widgets & NPS

One more way of gathering feedback from your users alternative to interactive emails are feedback form widgets or feedback NPS forms.

They should not be as long as surveys and can contain just one button. So that users can leave feedback directly from product website or email. Tou can add it as a part of your interactive email template. You can find the best tool to create free feedback widget

Here are two examples:

NPS MArbleFlows
Product feedback MarbleFlows

Create your own feedback widget or NPS

#4 Build trust with meeting forms

As a customer success manager, one of your main goals is to build trust with your customers. One way you can do this is by using meeting forms that are interactive and engaging.

Interactive email templates can help you create meeting forms that are both informative and visually appealing. This will give your customers the impression that you are organized and professional, and it will also make them more likely to respond to your requests.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating interactive email templates. First, make sure that the template is responsive so that it looks good on all devices. Second, use clear and concise language so that your customers can easily understand what you are asking for. Finally, include a call-to-action so that your customers know what they need to do next.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to create meeting forms that build trust and improve customer relationships.

Send meeting invitations to hundreds of users with a few clicks. Customer interviews and frequent catch ups with users is a vital part of CSM’s work in SaaS. This way, CSM captures the real user emotions and gets deep understanding of their challenges, needs, and product suggestions. Benefits of this template:

  • Speeds up interview booking with a big amount of participants.
  • Automates the process, just connect calendar, send emails, and enjoy the meetings
  • Gives flexibility in preferred time to users
  • Builds trust (with good interviews)

CSM should use this template to automate their booking process and focus on the interviews, rather them setting them up.

#5 Custom templates for different users

A good CSM knows their users, how many user groups do they have and what is the best way to reach out to them. Good CSM uses different approaches for segments and applies user knowledge to drive engagement and trust. Benefits of custom interactive email templates:

  • Created in minutes
  • Captures different user segments
  • Gives flexibility of options for users
💡 Pro tip: knowing cultural specifies of users helps in building personalised campaigns. E.g. “Happy Saint Patrik day, John! We’ve got a special offer for green boots just for you 🍀 ”

Applying different ways of emailing helps CSMs improve their performance and user relationship. Good user email should include:

  • Gamification in any form
  • Personalisation component
  • Variety of options for users

Combining interactive emailing with other forms of customer education and onboarding, like in-product learning drives the best results and helps to engage with the users better, increase customer lifetime value and increase product usage.