Lead magnets

To expand your prospect list
lead magnets
Grow your email list
Qualify leads
Boost website traffic
1. Checklist
1. Checklist
2. Cheat sheet
3. Free tool
4. Whitepaper
5. E-book
6. Pre-recorded webinar
7. Course
8. Template
9. Free consultation
10.Swipe file
11. Quiz
12. Report
13. Bi-weekly newsletters
14. Everyday prompts.
15. Infographics
16. Comics that demystify technical concepts in a fun way.
17. Exclusive podcasts
18. Toolkits
19. Free quote
20. Free business assessment
21. Email courses
22. Loyalty programs
23. Pre-booking offers and deals
24. Webinar transcript of PDFs
25. Slideshows of a webinar or other events
26. Exclusive one-on-one demo
27. Audiobooks
28. Certification for courses
29. Waiting list
30. Event tickets
31. Calculator
32. Tookit
33. Calendar
34. Planner
35. Generator
36. Infographics
37. Event passes
38. Samples
39. Mind maps
40. Newsletter
41. Social media groups access
42. Coupons and discounts
43. Demo